The City of South Salt Lake Priorities Survey is an invitation-only scientific poll of South Salt Lake residents commissioned by City staff and elected officials and conducted by an independent survey research firm. Participants in the South Salt Lake Priorities Survey give valuable input on quality of life and issues in the city.
La Encuesta de Prioridades de la Ciudad de South Salt Lake es una encuesta científica a la que solo se puede acceder por invitación de los residentes de South Salt Lake, encargada por el personal de la Ciudad y funcionarios electos y realizada por una firma de investigación de encuestas independiente. Los participantes en la Encuesta de Prioridades del Sur de Salt Lake brindan información valiosa sobre la calidad de vida y los problemas de la ciudad.
What is the purpose of the City of South Salt Lake Priorities Survey?
The City of South Salt Lake Priorities Survey is a means for measuring and studying public opinion about quality of life, community, finances, and other issues in the City. It will inform city officials as they make important decisions.
How was I selected for the City of South Salt Lake Priorities Survey?
You were selected at random from among the residents in South Salt Lake.
Will my name be associated with my answers?
Your name will never be associated with your answers. No one will be able to connect your answers with your name.
How long does it take to complete this survey?
About 10-12 minutes, depending on your answers and the speed of your internet connection.
What is my commitment to the City of South Salt Lake Priorities Survey?
We only ask that you volunteer a few minutes of your time to respond to our questions. Your answers are extremely valuable to the study and understanding of public policy and public opinion in South Salt Lake. Your responses will remain completely confidential and your participation will help city elected officials and staff be more informed about public opinion on issues important to you. We will never use your contact information for commercial purposes and you can withdraw from the City of South Salt Lake Priorities Survey at any time.
Who will see the answers to this survey?
Your answers are completely confidential; only professional researchers who are part of the research team will ever see the full data and results from the survey. Your survey responses will be used only for aggregated statistical tabulations, such as “60% of South Salt Lake residents believe that park maintenance should be a top policy priority.” Your individual answers will never be shared with anyone in a manner that reveals your identity or your contact information.
Can I sign friends up for the City of South Salt Lake Priorities Survey?
No, this survey is a probability sample of South Salt Lake City residents that depends on random selection for its scientific validity.
How can I remove my name from the mailing list?
You are free to choose not to participate, and may stop at any time. To stop receiving communication about the City of South Salt Lake Priorities Survey, please contact survey@y2polls.com.
The City of South Salt Lake Priorities Survey is firmly committed to protecting confidential information from abuse or exploitation. To protect your privacy and our professional integrity, the administrators of the City of South Salt Lake Priorities Survey will never sell, rent, or otherwise provide your contact or personal information to any outside individual or group. We will never attempt to sell you anything or make sales solicitations. Only aggregate data will be shared with groups or individuals who are not directly associated with the City of South Salt Lake Priorities Survey. From the aggregate data, there will be no way to identify you or your answers.
Information you provide
We ask you to provide certain information about yourself to better measure the representation of our survey. To make correct conclusions about City of South Salt Lake resident public opinion, we need to know who is responding to our survey and what their lives are like. Therefore, we collect basic demographic information (e.g. income, education, sex, age, marital status) to identify the characteristics of our respondents. We need to identify the characteristics of our survey respondents to generalize the answers of only a small portion of all residents in South Salt Lake to the entire group as accurately and correctly as possible. The demographic information you provide is never shared with anyone except professional researchers and is never linked to your name. Even for non-personal questions, your answers are completely confidential and never linked to you individually.
Information we collect passively
Our survey response software automatically collects such data as time it takes to complete the survey, date and time of access, whether the survey was completed or terminated early, and other such information. None of the information automatically collected compromises your privacy or confidentiality. All data collection is done on our servers and through the survey software; no files are downloaded to or stored on your computer. We do not use cookies to collect any information.
Researchers and Contact Information
The City of South Salt Lake Priorities Survey is designed and administered by Quin Monson, a recognized survey researcher and founding partner at Y2 Analytics. He has particular expertise with sampling, weighting, and online modes. He has fielded countless political, academic, and professional surveys via traditional phone techniques, novel internet modes, and increasingly rare in-person interviews. His publications appear in a variety of academic journals including Political Analysis, Public Opinion Quarterly, and Political Research Quarterly. Quin received his Ph.D. from the Ohio State University where he focused on public opinion, and survey research methods.
If you have additional questions not covered in our frequently asked questions page, please contact us at: